Voting from home

Voters who for reasons of illness or disability cannot vote at a polling station can apply to the municipality to vote from home or from wherever they are.


When contacting the municipality you must state the reason why you wish to vote from home. However, there is no requirement for documentation. It is therefore sufficient to inform the municipality why you wish to vote from home.

How do I apply to vote from home?

You send an application to the municipality to vote from home. However, there is no requirement that the application must be in writing. It is sufficient to contact your municipality verbally and state that you wish to vote from home.

When is the application deadline?

The application deadline for voting from home is 22 November at 12.00.

How is voting from home carried out?

When you wish to cast your vote in the election worker will explain how
this will be done. The election worker can also reply to any questions you may have or ensure answers are found to your questions.

Voting from home is carried out in almost the same manner as at a polling station:

  • The election worker brings the necessary equipment, including a voting slip set with all parties and lists standing for election in the municipality and county authority.
  • You select a voting slip for the party or list that you wish to vote for and if applicable make any changes on the voting slip.
  • The election workable check your ID, and stamp the voting slip.
  • You place the voting slip in the ballot box - and you have cast your vote. The election is secret; you retain the voting slips you have not used.

Need for assistance and help

Election workers can explain voting routines and provide any assistance you may require. If you require assistance to vote, the election worker - or a person you choose yourself - can help you to do so. Both the election worker and the self-chosen helper have a duty of nondisclosure if they gain knowledge of what and who you wish to vote for.