When and where you can vote
You can vote from 1st July 2025 already. Remember to bring identification
Early voting
You can vote from the 1st of July until 8th August in any municipality if you are unable to vote during the regular advance voting period or on election day.
Contact the municipality where you wish to vote early for more information.
Advance voting
You can vote in advance in any municipality from 11th August up until and including 5th September.
As the election day approaches, you can find addresses and opening hours for all advance polling stations in the country on valglokaler.no.
Voting on election day
The election day is 8th September. In multiple municipalities it is also possible to vote from the 7th September. On election day you must vote in the municipality you were registered as a resident as of the 30th June 2025.
You can vote at any of the polling stations within your municipality on election day.
As election day approaches, you can find addresses and opening hours for all advance polling stations at valglokaler.no.
Voting in Svalbard and Jan Mayen
In the period from 1st July until 29th August you can advance vote in Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Voting from abroad
From 1st July until the 29th of August voters who live or are staying abroad can advance vote at Norwegian embassies and other foreign missions or other appointed voting sites.
As election day approaches, you can find voting locations abroad at valglokaler.no.
Voters abroad that are unable to seek out a voting site, can vote by post.
When voting by post, the voters are themselves responsible that their vote is received by the electoral committee in the correct municipality before 17:00 9th September 2025.
Voting from home or at an institution
Voters that through illness or disability are unable to vote at a polling station, can apply to vote from where they reside. The application must be received by the municipality before 12:00 Thursday 4th September.
Residents or patients at healthcare institutions, or inmates in prisons, can vote in advance from the institution.