When and where can you vote?

Here you can find information about when and where you can vote. Remember to bring your ID with you.

Early voting

From 3 July to 9 August you can cast an early vote in any municipality if
you do not have the opportunity to vote in the ordinary advance voting
period or on election day.

Some municipalities allow early voting during the municipality’s
opening times; however, others require that you make an appointment.

Contact the municipality in which you wish to cast an early vote for
more information.

Advance voting

You can vote in advance in any municipality from 10 August to 8

It is the municipalities that decide when and where it is possible to vote
in advance.

Voting on election day

Election day is 11 September. In several municipalities it is also possible
to vote on 10 September. On these days, you must vote in the
municipality in which you are registered in the Central Population
Register as a resident as of 30 June.

You can vote at any polling station in the municipality.

See how to vote on election day.

Voting on Svalbard and Jan Mayen

From 1 July it is possible to vote in advance on Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Election law states that advance voting can be done up to the last Friday
before election day; however, the District Governor on Svalbard can
decide that this shall be concluded on an earlier date.

Voting from another country

From 1 July to 1 September, voters who live or are staying in a foreign
country can vote in advance at Norwegian embassies and other foreign
service missions or at other appointed returning officers.
You are yourself responsible for voting early enough so that your vote
arrives at the correct municipality at the latest 17.00 on the day after
election Day 11 September.

See how you can vote from a foreign country.

Vote from home or from an institution

Voters who are sick or disabled can apply to vote from home, whilst
residents at health institutions and care homes can vote in advance at
the institution.