Parliamentary Election 2021
Election day is Monday 13 September.
Remember to bring your identification!
Where is your nearest polling staion?
Election day is Monday 13 September.

Follow the infection control rules and advice
It is important that you follow the infection control rules and advice that
apply where you live. Remember to maintain your distance and practise good hand hygiene when voting, and do not come to the polling station
if you are ill.
Voters who are sick, in isolation or in quarantine will also be given an
opportunity to vote. Contact your municipality for more information.
Choose the ballot paper you want to use.
Make any changes to the ballot paper (see guidance below).
Fold the ballot paper so the party
names are on the inside and the field for
stamping is on the outside – this prevents
anyone seeing how you have voted.
Do not put the ballot paper in an envelope
or inside any other cover.
Go to an election official, show your ID,
and have the ballot paper stamped on
the outside. The ballot paper must be
stamped to be valid!
Place the stamped ballot paper in the
ballot box.
Altering ballot papers
You can make some changes to the ballot paper. Altering the ballot paper does not affect how much your vote counts. Guidance on how to make changes can also be found on the ballot paper.
Altering the order of the candidates
Enter a (new) number in the box to the left of the name of the candidate(s) in order to show in what order you are voting for the candidates.
Crossing out candidates
Check the box to the right of the candidate(s) you wish to delete.
If you vote outside of your home municipality, you will receive a ballot paper containing the names of the registered political parties. You must place a cross in the box of the party for which you wish to vote. The ballot paper will not contain the names of the parties’ candidates. Therefore, you will be unable to cast personal votes.
If the party or group you want to vote for is not listed on the ballot paper,
you can write the name of the party/group on the ballot paper. You can
also obtain a ballot paper from your constituency yourself and use that if
you wish to make changes.
The vote is sent to your home municipality for counting.
Who can vote?
You have the right to vote in the parliamentary
election if you:
- are a Norwegian citizen;
- will have reached the age of 18 by the end of 2021; and
- are, or have ever been, registered in the Population Register as resident in Norway.
Remember to bring your identification when you vote
You must show identification when you go to vote. Examples of valid
identification include a passport, national ID card, driving licence or bank card with your
photo. You can also use other types of identification. As a minimum, the
identification must contain your name, date of birth and a photo.
If you reside in an institution such as a nursing home, hospital or prison,
you can have an employee of the institution confirm your identity.
In these circumstances, the employees must identify themselves.
Where and when can you vote?
Advance votes can be cast from Tuesday 10 August until and including
Friday 10 September in any municipality in the country.
On election day, you must vote in the municipality in which you were
registered as resident on 30 June 2021. You can vote in any polling
station in the municipality.
If you are in quarantine you must not vote in an ordinary polling station.
If you are in isolation you must vote from home. Contact your municipality
for information about what arrangements have been made where you live.
Are you ill or disabled? You can contact your municipality about voting
in advance from home right up until 10:00 on 10 September.
Are you unable to vote during the ordinary advance voting period or on
election day?
You can ask your municipality to allow you to vote in advance from 1 July.
You can also vote from abroad from 1 July until and including 3 September.
Digital polling card
Before the pre-voting period starts on 10 August, you will recieve your polling card. This year, most people receive this digitally. The polling card is primarily a confirmation that you have the right to vote.
If you use a digital mailbox from Digipost or E-boks, you will receive your selection card there. If you do not have a digital mailbox, you will receive the electoral card in Altinn.
You will receive an SMS when the electoral card is available. Once you have received this, you can log in to the service you use to find your electoral card:
Voters who have reserved themselves against electronic mail in the contact and reservation register, or who have not updated or confirmed their contact information in the register in the last 18 months, will receive the polling card on paper.
Help to vote at the polling station
If you have any questions or need help voting, please contact an election
official. Election officials have a duty of confidentiality.
Do you have a mental or physical disability, and cannot vote without
assistance? If so, you have the right to have an election official or someone
else chosen by you help you vote.
Read more about how you can get help to vote at the polling station, in an institution or at home.
Information in other languages
- الانتخابات البرلمانية والبرلمانية الصامية 2021 (Arabisk)
- Parliamentary and Sami Parliamentary Elections 2021 (Engelsk)
- انتخابات مجلس و مجلس سامی ۲۰ (Persisk/Farsi)
- Stuorradigge- ja sámediggeválga 2021 (Lulesamisk informasjonsbrosjyre)
- Stuorradiggeja sámediggeválggat 2021 (Nordsamisk)
- Stortings- og sametingsvalget 2021 (Norsk bokmål)
- Stortings- og sametingsvalet 2021 (Nynorsk)
- Выборы в парламент и в саамский парламент в 2021 году (Russisk)
- Doorashooyinka Baarlamaan iyo Baarlamaan Dhexe ee 2021 (Somali)
- Stoerredigkiejïh saemiedigkieveeljeme 2021 (Sørsamisk)
- การเลือกตั้งสมาชิกรัฐสภาและการเลือกตั้งสมาชิก รัฐสภาซามีแห่งปี 2564 (Thai)
- ባይቶኣውን ክፋል ባይቶኣውን ምርጫታት 2021 (Tigrinja)
- Seçmenlerin yararlanabileceği önemli bilgiler (Tyrkisk)
- پارلیمانی اور سامی پارلیمانی انتخابات 2021 (Urdu)
- Bầu cử Nghị viện và Nghị viện Sami năm 2021 (Vietnamesisk)